Переводчики: Aylmer Maude Louise Maude In Russia's struggle with Napoleon, Tolstoy saw a tragedy that involved all mankind Yet while his historical vision ranged beyond national frontiers, his imaginаюъооative vision focused, with extraordinary intensity, on the lives of individuals, on the physical reality of human experience and its bewildering complexity Greater than a historical chronicle, War and Peace is an affirmation of life itself, 'a complete picture', as a бмоарcontemporary reviewer put it, 'of everything in which people find their happiness and greatness, their grief and humiliation' Tolstoy gave his personal approval to this translation by Louise and Aylmer Maude This edition includes an introduction by Henry Gifford, and Tolstoy's important essay 'Some Words about War and Peace' Формат: 130 мм x 195 мм Автор Лев Толстой Родился в фамильной усадьбе Ясная Поляна в Тульской губернии Принадлежал к старинному дворянскому роду Толстыхбсруу, унаследовал от отца графский титул Получил домашнее образование, затем, в 16 лет, поступил в Казанский университет, который, однако, не .