Shakespeare's last play is a mystical drama of estrangement and reconciliation Deposed from his dukedom in Milan and cast out to sea with his daughter, Miranda, Prospero has a miraculous power over the islandаюъвц on which they have made their home As the play begins, Prospero has used his art to bring about another shipwreck This time his usurping brother and his colleagues are cast ashore, but through the power of magic, love and forgiveness, chaos is gradually transformed бмнщъinto order This edition of the text contains notes, a glossary and an introduction Формат: 11 см x 18 см Автор Уильям Шекспир William Shakespeare Достоверно о жизни Шекспира известно немногое Родился предположительно в 1564 году в многодетной семье, был крещен в церкви городка Стратфорд-на-Эйвоне Учился в местной грамматической школе, работал в мясной лавке (по другим источникам, в школе) В .